Main Events Schedule:
June 2nd, June 9th, June 23rd, June 30, July 7th, July 14th, July 21st
The Main Event is a FREE high energy non-denominational event that draws students throughout the summer on Sunday nights from June 2nd – July 21st (With a break on Father’s Day June 16th). This is an event put on by students for students, filled with engaging music and relevant Gospel teaching. Gifted communicators share the powerful reality of a relationship with God on a weekly basis. You’ve got to experience it to believe it!

Schedule For Event

Pre- Event: 6:00p
Seats Open: 6:30p
Main Event Begins: 7:00p
Pick Up: 8:30p – 9:00p
*We give 30 min. for Pick-up for the event runs over a few min. If you have any questions or need to pick up early please come to Cafe Door or text 912-227-8595.